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AssetLock (YouDeparted) Newsletter, Jul 2013

In this Issue
Business has picked up
Have you given anyone else your Login Information?
Estate Planners
Storing Important Information in your free Email Account?
AssetLock in the News
Contact Us

Business has picked up
Our business has picked up recently and we have been picking up new customers. Though the number of customers we hoped for never materialized, we have enough existing and new customers to keep in business for a very long time.

Have you given anyone else your Login Information?
We have had many of our customers tell us they gave their login information to immediate family members and trusted advisors. We have heard many customers using the site not only to record their estate wishes, but to store important information which can be accessible all over the world. If you have used like this, please let us know and we will feature your story in the next newsletter.

Estate Planners
We continue to receive inquiries from estate planners, legal professionals and from interested parties all over the world. Does your attorney know about our site? We would appreciate you telling them how useful you have found us.

Storing Important Information in your free Email Account?
If you have been reading the news lately, you now know that Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and many computer companies all are letting our government have full access to information in your free email accounts, social networks and the list goes on. Because your account is fully encrypted, even our programmers cannot access the information you have stored in your account!

AssetLock in the News
We still get reporters asking for more details about our business and each time, we always receive interested inquiries in the areas where there is a story on our company. Let us know if you see any articles or programs about If so, where did you see or hear it?

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us and tell us how we can improve to your account and send us a note. We appreciate your comments and look forward to hearing from you.