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YouDeparted Newsletter, Mar 2014

In this Issue
Our website name is again
Can Your Account Be Compromised?
Recipient Access
Contact Us

Our website name is again
On March 6, 2014, we changed our name back to The name will no longer point to our website.

Can Your Account Be Compromised?
When we first created, our goal was to create a website where customers could be assured of excellent security for their information stored on the site. How hard would it be for hackers to access your account? For an average hacker, the site security would be so complex and daunting, they would have to be incredibly motivated to try and break the site. The task would be nearly impossible, but perhaps with enough manpower, time and access to high speed computing power, the encyrption could be cracked. However, for each account, the task would have to start all over again. What about the NSA? I am sure the NSA has a back door into ANY encryption system used in the United States. This back door gives them a universal password to break the encryption on any existing website. If the NSA has you in their sights, they will extract as much information on you as possible, including reading anything you have placed online. Encrypting your information obviously will not help. For the rest of us who just want a safe place to store information which is only important to our family and friends, I feel our site is more than secure. If you are storing ultra sensitive information, I would strongly recommend removing this type of information from the web.

Recipient Access
Do your recipients have current login information? One of our most common communications from customers is from distraught recipients who knew about the account, but their login information was out of date. Remember, we cannot help your recipients if they do not have the correct recipient login information. Make sure they know exactly how to access the account after you have departed!

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us and tell us how we can improve to your account and send us a note. We appreciate your comments and look forward to hearing from you.