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How to Set Up Reminder emails

By filling out the email reminder form, you can create emails which will be sent out automatically on the day or date you specify. You can set up daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or just a one time reminder.


Reminder Name is the name of the reminder so use something which makes sense. i.e. FriendBirthday. Use only letters or numbers to create this name. Valid names could be party, movie72, meeting3, etc.

Reminder Subject This will be the subject line of the email.

Contact Person This will have your name automatically filled in.

From Email This will have your email filled in automatically.

Now pick a schedule when you would like this email sent:
Daily - Check by Daily and the email will be sent out everyday.
Weekly - Check by Weekly and specify the day you wish the email to be sent out. This email will be sent out every week on this day.
Monthly - Check by Monthly and then specify the date you wish the email to be sent out. This email will be sent out every month on this date.
Yearly - Check by Yearly and then specify the month and date you wish the email to be sent out. This email will be sent out once a year on this date.
One Time - This email will be sent out once on the date you specify and then will be deleted.

Reminder email
Now type in your email message to be sent in the space provided.

Add People Enter the email address of all the people you wish to receive this email. For multiple email addresses, enter the email addresses separated by a comma, all typed on one line.
i.e. [email protected],[email protected],[email protected].

Create/Save Reminder
Once you have filled in the form, click Create/Save Reminder and your reminder will now be created.

The reminders you have created can be edited by selecting from the drop down box Select Reminder to Manage. You can also delete the reminder.