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Check out the Member Demo to see how your YouDeparted account works from a customer's perspective and the Recipient Demo to see how YouDeparted works from a the perspective of a Recipient to that customer's account.
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Member Demo
Logging in here will show you all of the features YouDeparted members have access to.

(Username is: DemoUser)
(Password is: DemoPass)
Secret key:
(Key is: 95fQWoL9cZaM)

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Recipient Demo
Click the links below to see how your Recipients will unlock your account once you have passed away. The Recipient Demo is based on the account holder having set the number of Recipients required to unlock the account at 2.
(Username is: DemoRecip)
(Password is: 992o0pyJun4N01)
Secret key:
(Key is: 95fQWoL9cZaM)