Welcome to YouDeparted.com (Cloud)

  • Secure electronic safe deposit box accessible anywhere 24/7

  • Release instructions, estate info, and messages if something happens to you

  • Get organized and help your family avoid common problems and costs

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Picture: You will have peace of mind knowing your life is organized and your loved ones will have everything they need to avoid uneccessary costs, confusion and grief.
Sign Up Today
  • "I live abroad and if something had happened to me before I started using youdeparted I don't really know how my family would have sorted everything out." Charles
    Tokyo, Japan
We offer LifeTime Memberships for a one time low signup fee!

Why You Need this Site Would your family know the details of your life in case something happened to you? How would they access your email and online accounts? Who would know to take care of all the things you were responsible for? Taxes? Insurance? Where is the will or trust? Where is the key to the safe deposit box? What is the combination to your gym locker?

This site is about organizing your life so if you die unexpectedly, become disabled or become ill unexpectedly, the important details of your life can be made available to those who really need it. It's about having the ability to update your information in a timely manner as opposed to keeping everything in a safe deposit box or hidden away in a desk drawer somewhere. Pricing

Read about YouDeparted in: YouDeparted featured in San Francisco Chronicle

YouDeparted featured in The New York Times

A Nice Side Benefit Entering information made me organize my life. Now I know where to look for things like checking account numbers, credit cards and combination locks I always forget. I have uploaded copies of important documents such as my will and trust, vehicle titles and important pictures and files. Household information such as how to turn the sprinkler system off in winter, where and when the property taxes are paid and all my insurance information. I just recently uploaded a picture of my passport so if I lose it while travelling, I can take a copy to the embassy with me.

About Bio Pac, Inc. For more information about our company, see the Bio Pac Corporate website.

Signup today and get started organizing your life. It will be one of the smartest decisions you have ever made. Please contact me with any questions.


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